Natural Pain Management

Stress as The Leading Cause of Most Ailments 

by Madeleine Innocent 

Depicting stress as the leading cause of most ailments can sound rather sweeping until you look more closely at the details.

When we’re born, we have the potential to be very different from our parents. However, they take on the responsibility (hopefully) of rearing us in the best way they know.

You could say that this is programming. By its very nature, it is limiting.

The programming can be positive or negative. Sadly, most seems to be negative to some degree. And most programming occurs in the very vulnerable, formative years, up to the age of seven.

The child is not fully conscious at this age. They’re still trying to fathom who they are, so most of this programming works beneath the conscious mind.

Looking at someone’s life can indicate where the programming comes from. For example, a very fearful person is usually raised in a strict and dictatorial way where punishment comes from many directions when they step out of line. Very little love and encouragement was on offer.

Living like that is highly stressful.

Other examples may not be quite so draconian, but still have an ongoing effect.


Are Our Genes Really At Fault?

This means that we inherit programming more than we inherit illnesses. The negative programming acts on us in a similar way it did on our ancestors. You could say that we are disconnected from our potential, from healing ourselves.

So your genes are not at fault. And there is a great deal you can do to avoid these illnesses, once you appreciate stress as the leading cause of most ailments.

However, you have to do the work. It’s of little use consulting with someone who is just going to suppress your symptoms, as the medical industry is so happy to do.

Instead, you need to examine and fully own these unconscious habits. That’s not to say you should blame those who imposed them on you. Victimhood has no benefit in the scheme of helping yourself.

You need to look at your habits. For example, are you raising your children the way you were raised, even though that wasn’t nurturing or loving? Many people want their children to go to the same school they went to ‘because it didn’t do me any harm’. Yet, when you look at their lifestyle, you can see that it actually did them a lot of harm.

We can become comfortable in routine. It’s familiar even though it can be damaging.

Getting The Right Sort of Help

Stress needs to be dissipated regularly, not suppressed. Helpful examples include:

  • walking in Nature
  • meditating
  • gardening
  • limiting or removing yourself from screen time
  • starting with yourself (helping others is wonderful, but YOU need to be healthy to do that benevolently)
  • basking in the love animals so generously offer us
  • ensuring you have adequate and refreshing sleep
  • eating a healthy diet
  • avoiding toxins (means learning about them)
  • having meaningful and supportive relationships
  • connecting to your inner guidance system that is always on your side
  • shifting your focus to use holistic treatments, some self-help

These measures can be very helpful, but may not take you to where you want to be. Skilled homeopathic treatment has the ability to ‘re-write’ your programming into something that is nurturing and connecting you to your soul, your spirit being, the reason you came here.

When your life is hard work, then you’re not in harmony. Life should not be a struggle. It should flow easily. And it does when you live life from a place of love, from a connection to your true self.

So dig deep. Appreciate stress as the leading cause of most ailments, so you need to discover your trigger points. Then you can take steps to work on these.

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